Protective Relay Specialists
Sertec Protective Relay Services buys and sells protective relays and specializes in extending the life of obsolete electromechanical protective relays by providing quality repair, remanufacture and retrofit services for relays of all types and manufacture. We also service specialty electronics used in electrical power systems.
From simple overcurrent induction disk protective relays such as the GE Type IAC or Westinghouse Style CO to more complex relays such as the General Electric GCX or GCY distance relay or the Westinghouse Style KD impedance relay, we buy, sell and service them all.
Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays
Time Overcurrent Relays
Directional Overcurrent Relays
Differential Relays
Reverse Power Relays
Phase Balance Relays
Undervoltage Relays
Frequency Relays
Distance / Impedance Relays
To ensure proper operation and calibration, our technicians utilize modern protective relay test equipment including a comprehensive Multi-Amp RTT test table and solid state Epoch relay test sets.